Massively Parallel Image system for Multi-Pass Image synthesis
Nihongo ha koko (In Japanese)
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Recently, photo-realistic image synthesis is widely used in many
applications like below areas.
- Architectural design
- Industrial design
- Virtual reality
- Visual simulation for landscape design
- Art
- ... and so on.
Most of photo-realistic image synthesis methods are partially or
fully derived from the rendering equation. There are two main
algorithms to solve the rendering equation: Radiosity and Rat-tracing.
However, neither standard radiosity nor standard ray-tracing can treat
diffuse and specular global illumination simultaneously. To overcome
this limitation, the multi-pass rendering method is proposed, which
integrates the radiosity and ray-tracing models.
Even though the multi-pass rendering method can generate very high
quality images, the drawback of the method is its time-consuming
feature. We must solve this problem before the multi-pass rendering
method becomes a useful tool for users.
Recent progress in VLSI technology provides high speed
microprocessors at relatively low cost. Therefore, it is quite natural
to incorporate parallel processing into the solutions of
computationally expensive problems.
This page introduces one implementation of our proposed parallel
processing approach. That is based on object-space parallel processing
model. We proposed some static load balancing schemes and that is also
conference room (modeling data from Radsite, see Links)
Soda shop (modeling data from Radsite, see Links)
Test image for changing the BRDF parameter. (The frustum
approximation method for realizing glossy reflection is
implemented in our mpi2.)
Test image for translucent effect with ray-tracing.
Test for collecting light effect by radiosity.
All images are rendered by mpi2.
- C++ version of mpi2 with mpich
- Java version of mpi2 with mpiJava
- mpiJava-1.2
with Maeda patch (fixing memory leak in point to point
communication routines, etc.)
- Sorry, currently there is no source and English documentation is
available. Now preparing. see R2mark
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, Takayuki Maeda, Hiroaki Kobayashi and Tadao
Nakamura, ``
The Object-Space Parallel Processing of the Multipass
Rendering Method on the (M\pi)^2 with a Distributed-Frame Buffer
System,'' IEICE
Trans. on
Info. & Syst., E80-D, No.9,
pp. 909-918, September, 1997
- Hiroaki Kobayashi, Hitoshi Yamauchi, Yuichiro Toh and Tadao Nakamura,
(M\pi)^2 : A Hierarchical Parallel Processing System for for the
Multipass Rendering Method,''
Trans. on
Info. & Syst., E79-D, No.8, pp. 1055-1064, August, 1996
- Hiroaki Kobayashi, Hitoshi Yamauchi, Takayuki Maeda, Mayumi
Tokunaga and Tadao Nakamura, ``Static load balancing schemes for
the Object-Space parallel Multi-Pass Rendering Method on a
Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor System,'' Proceedings of the
Second Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and
Visualization, pp.133-144, September, 1998
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, Takayuki Maeda, Hiroaki Kobayashi and Tadao
Nakamura, ``Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Multi-pass
Rendering Algorithm Based on the Object-space Parallel Processing
Model,'' Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing (JSPP), Vol. 98,
No. 7, pp.175-182, June, 1998
- Hiroaki Kobayashi, Takayuki Maeda, Hitoshi Yamauchi and Tadao
Nakamura, ``A Cached Frame Buffer System for Object-Space Parallel
Processing Systems,'' Computer Graphics International (CGI),
pp. 146-155, June, 1997
- Hiroaki Kobayashi, Hitoshi Yamauchi, Yuichiro Toh and Tadao
Nakamura, ``A Hierarchical Parallel Processing System for the
Multipass-Rendering Method,'' IEEE International Parallel
Processing Symposium (IPPS), April, pp.62-67, 1996
- Hiroaki Kobayashi, Hitoshi Yamauchi, Yuichiro Toh and Tadao
Nakamura, ``(M\pi)^2 : A Hierarchical Parallel Processing System
for a Global Illumination Model,'' International Symposium on
Parallel Architectures Algorithms and Networks (ISPAN),
pp. 157-164, December, 1994
Copyright (C) 1997-2002 YAMAUCHI Hitoshi
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