viewparam convergence(%) elapsed time (sec) (hour) 100 34.7 1666.77 (0.46h) 50 70.9 1798.32 (0.50h) 20 79.4 2654.79 (0.74h) 10 79.6 2734.84 (0.76h) 5 79.7 2789.47 (0.77h) 2 80.3 4333.33 (1.20h) 1 82.4 15276.89 (4.24h) 0.5 92.2 94917.02 (26.37h) 0.2 95.6 154553.59 (42.93h) 0.1 97.6 226341.13 (62.87h) 0.05 98.9 327125.55 (90.87h)Hemi-cube resolution is 80x80 (top plane)
These images are generated with command `pnmarith -difference'. `pnmarith' calculates absolute value of subtraction of each pixel.
First, light sources illuminate the floor, and then the floor reflects light energy to the ceiling, even if the floor is diffuse reflective object. When the energy convergence value is low, this effect is not calculated. Of course, you can also see the color bleeding effect.