Selected Publications
Yamauchi Hitoshi
BibTeX format
recently ones
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, Stefan Gumhold, Rhaleb Zayer and Hans-Peter
Seidel, Mesh
Segmentation Driven by Gaussian Curvature
Visual Computer, Vol.21, No.8-10, 2005, 649-658
ISSN: 0178-2789 (Paper), 1432-8726 (Online), DOI:
Springer, Heidelberg, September, 2005, PDF (mirror),
format, Slides PDF
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, Hendrik P.A. Lensch, Jörg Haber and
Hans-Peter Seidel, ``Textures Revisited,''
The Visual Computer, 21(4), pp.217-241,
ISBN 0178-2789, ISSN: 0178-2789 (Paper) 1432-8726 (Online),
DOI 10.1007/s00371-005-0283-5,
Springer, Heidelberg, May, 2005, PDF (mirror),
- Jörg Haber, Karol Myszkowski, Hitoshi Yamauchi and Hans-Peter
Seidel, ``Perceptually
Guided Corrective Splatting,''
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2001), Manchester,
2001, pp.142-152.
You can find this paper's copy and a movie at
Eurographics Web's Digital Library.
format, PDF
(mirror), movie (mirror,
bz2, 23MBytes)
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, Takayuki Maeda, Hiroaki Kobayashi and Tadao
Nakamura, ``
The Object-Space Parallel Processing of the Multipass
Rendering Method on the (M\pi)^2 with a Distributed-Frame Buffer
System,'' IEICE
Trans. on
Info. & Syst., E80-D, No.9,
pp. 909-918, September, 1997
BiBTeX format
- Hiroaki Kobayashi, Hitoshi Yamauchi, Yuichiro Toh and Tadao Nakamura,
(M\pi)^2 : A Hierarchical Parallel Processing System for for the
Multipass Rendering Method,''
Trans. on
Info. & Syst., E79-D, No.8, pp. 1055-1064, August, 1996
International Conference
- Carsten Stoll, Zachi Karni, Christian Roessl, Hitoshi Yamauchi and
Hans-Peter Seidel, ``Template
Deformation for Point-Cloud Fitting,''
Proc. IEEE/Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics
2006, pp.27-35,
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, Waqar Saleem, Shin Yoshizawa, Zachi Karni,
Alexander Belyaev and Hans-Peter Seidel,
``Towards Stable and Salient Multi-View Representation of 3D
In: IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and
Applications 2006 (SMI2006), Matsushima, JAPAN, IEEE, Los Alamitos,
2006, 265-270
Slides (PDF)
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, Seungyong Lee, Yunjin Lee, Yutaka Ohtake,
Alexander Belyaev and Hans-Peter Seidel,
``Feature Sensitive Mesh
Segmentation with Mean Shift,''
In Shape Modeling International
2005, Cambridge, MA, USA, IEEE, Los Alamitos, 2005, 236-243,
Slides (PDF)
Demo video (same demo as performed at SMI2005) :
noisy octahedron,
Mannequin 21k tris. (1),
Mannequin 21k tris. (2),
Appendix video :
Fandisk 13k tris. (1),
Fandisk 13k tris. (2)
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, Jörg Haber and Hans-Peter Seidel,
``Image Restoration using Multiresolution Texture Synthesis and Image
Computer Graphics International (CGI 2003), Tokyo, Japan, July
9-11, 2003, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, 2003, 120-125,
full color
PDF, Slides,
- Marco Tarini, Hitoshi Yamauchi, Jörg Haber and Hans-Peter
Texturing Faces,'' Proceedings
Graphics Interface 2002, Calgary, Canada, 27-29 May 2002, A K
Peters, Natick, 2002, 89-98,
PDF (mirror),
project page
- Kolja Kähler, Jörg Haber, Hitoshi Yamauchi and Hans-Peter
Seidel, ``
Head shop: Generating animated head models with anatomical
structure,'' In: Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on
Computer Animation, San Antonio, USA, ACM SIGGRAPH, New York, 2002,
PDF (mirror)
format, project page
- Jörg Haber, Kolja Käler, Irene Albrecht, Hitoshi Yamauchi and
Hans-Peter Seidel, ``Face to Face:
From Real Humans to Realistic Facial Animation,'' Proceedings of
the 3rd Israel-Korea Binational
Conference on Geometrical Modeling and Computer Graphics, Seoul, Korea,
October 11-12, 2001, pp.73-82 (Invited talk),
format, project page
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, Atusi Maeda and Hiroaki Kobayashi,
``Developing a practical
parallel multi-pass renderer in Java and C++ --- Toward a Grande
Application in Java ---'' Proceedings of the ACM 2000 Java
Grande conference, pp.126-133, 2000
BiBTeX format
- Hiroaki Kobayashi, Hitoshi Yamauchi, Takayuki Maeda, Mayumi
Tokunaga and Tadao Nakamura, ``Static load balancing schemes for
the Object-Space parallel Multi-Pass Rendering Method on a
Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor System,'' Proceedings of the
Second Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and
Visualization, pp.133-144, September, 1998
BiBTeX format
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, Takayuki Maeda, Hiroaki Kobayashi and Tadao
Nakamura, ``Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Multi-pass
Rendering Algorithm Based on the Object-space Parallel Processing
Model,'' Joint Symposium on Parallel Processing (JSPP), Vol. 98,
No. 7, pp.175-182, June, 1998
BiBTeX format
- Hiroaki Kobayashi, Takayuki Maeda, Hitoshi Yamauchi and Tadao
Nakamura, ``A Cached Frame Buffer System for Object-Space Parallel
Processing Systems,'' Computer Graphics International (CGI),
pp. 146-155, June, 1997
BiBTeX format
- Hiroaki Kobayashi, Hitoshi Yamauchi, Yuichiro Toh and Tadao
Nakamura, ``A Hierarchical Parallel Processing System for the
Multipass-Rendering Method,'' IEEE International Parallel
Processing Symposium (IPPS), April, pp.62-67, 1996
BiBTeX format
- Hiroaki Kobayashi, Hitoshi Yamauchi, Yuichiro Toh and Tadao
Nakamura, ``(M\pi)^2 : A Hierarchical Parallel Processing System
for a Global Illumination Model,'' International Symposium on
Parallel Architectures Algorithms and Networks (ISPAN),
pp. 157-164, December, 1994
Symposium (In Japanese)
- Hitoshi Yamauchi and Atusi Maeda, ``Java in the Real World ---
Can Java be usable for writing practical applications?,'' the 41st
Programming Symposium in Japan, pp.97-108, January, 2000
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, ``Implementation of Manued : A proofreading
method for electronic documents,'' Programming Tools and Techniques
(PTT) 248, April, 1999 : manued web page (In English),
(In Japanese)
PTT resume (In Japanese), OHP (In Japanese)
- Takayuki Maeda, Mayumi Tokunaga, Hitoshi Yamauchi, Hiroaki
Kobayashi and Tadao Nakamura, ``An Object-Space Parallel
Ray-Tracing Algorithm on a Message-Passing Multiprocessor System
and its Evaluation,'' Visual Computing joint symposium of Graphics
and CAD 1998, pp. 55-60, June, 1998
BiBTeX format
Book (including chapters of a book)

The Art of Computer Programming (2) Seminumerical algorithms,
Japanese Translation,
ASCII, Addison Wesley programming series
Donald E. Knuth (Author), Makoto Arisawa(Japanese version Editor),
Eiichi Wada(Japanese version Editor), Hiroaki Saitoh, Takahiro
Nagao, Syougo Matui, Takao Matui, Hitoshi Yamachi (Translator),
ISBN : 4-7561-4543-4,
BiBTeX format
- Ikuo Takeuchi and Hitoshi Yamauchi, ``Manued: A proofreading
method via Email,'' bit, Kyouritu-shuppan, Vol. 31, No. 12,
pp.9-14, 1999 (A computer magazine in Japanese),
PDF manuscript (In Japanese)
BiBTeX format
Ph.D. Thesis (In Japanese)
- Hitoshi Yamauchi, ``Gazouseiseiyou cyou heiretusyori ni kansuru
kenkyu (A Study of Massively Parallel Processing System for Image
Synthesis),'' Tohoku University in Japan, 1997 (In Japanese)
BiBTeX format,
PhD. Thesis (In Japanese)
Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Yamauchi Hitoshi